Innovative course concept

New course concept for AE courses
Source: Pixabay
During the project the partners will develop an innovative course concept by implementing “flipped learning” in courses. This approach is currently not used in adult education. This course concepts will
- Be used in the participation organisations in the future to offer more efficient and successful training, which fits well to the teaching in the digital era
- Be shared as an Open Educational Ressource for other AE providers
- Be the base of a new developed course (for trainers in AE). This course will be provided by EDRASE and EBI in the next years as KA 1 courses
The “Flipped Adult Education Guide”

eBooks and eBook readers are the digital answer to traditional printed books. Interactivity and multimedia content enrich the information.
All these basic ideas will be developed for AE (considering the specific learning situations for adult learners – with a focus on the various target groups of adults as described before), concretized and brought into written (digital and partly multimedia) form as an interactive multimedia-based eBook published as open educational resource (OER).