Kickoff-møtet fant sted i Wiener Neustadt fra 16.-17. november 2018. Alle samarbeidspartnerne var tilstede på dette møtet og hadde to dager med aktiviteter. Jon Bergmann og Errol Smith (fra FLGlobal) deltok på møtet som æresgjester og ga en introduksjon til den nåværende versjonen av Flipped Learning 3.0.
Fokuset i dette møtet var utviklingen av prosjektet og på agendaen var følgende punkt:
- Presentasjon av samarbeidspartnerne
- Kjerneelementer i prosjektet og rollene til samarbeidspartnerne.
- Idéen bak flipped læring – prosjektinnhold
- Karakteristikker og kjennetegn med voksne under opplæring.
- Betydningen av aktiv læring
- Skiftet av rollen til treneren- fra underviser til fasilitator
- Bruken av teknologi
- Flipped Læring standarder – elementer i flipped læring
- Organizational issues Organisasjonelle problemer (dokumenter, møter, læringsaktiviteter)
- Konsitusjonen til styret
- Monitorering og evaluering
- Sluttproduktet til ePub
- Presentasjon: hva er interaktive eBøker?
- Konsepter og design til en eBok
- Struktur og innhold for den utviklede ePub
De intensive arbeidsøktene ble moitorert og guidetav koordinatoren Peter Mazohl (EBI/EIE, AT). Alexander Amundsen (Intermezzo, NOR), Jon Bergmann (FLGI, USA), Errol Smith (FLGI, USA), Jørgen Jenssen (Intermezzo, NOR), Juan Carlos Álvarez and Martín Oriol Brotat Mestre (both Asociación Juvance, ES), Stefanie Mayrwöger (EBI/EIE, AT), Kathrin Zehrfuchs (EBI/EIE, AT), Harald Makl (EBI/EIE, AT) og Michail Filioglou (EDRASE, GR).
Her kan du lese mer om Wiener Neustadt, hjembyen til EBI/EIE
Learning – Teaching – Training Event in Málaga/Spain (DE)
The teaching event will evaluate the SWOT analyses of the participating partners, teach and analyse the active teaching methods of flipped learning, compare the existing profiles or the organisations in context with the teaching and training in the organisations and other related isues.
Aims of teaching activities (defined to reach the project’s objectives)
▪Knowledge transfer on transnational level and between the participating organizations
▪Active learning and heutagogical approach to learning, especial in Blended Learning
▪Analyses of the DigoiComp framework and the implementation of specific items in the courses
Intermediate Meeting in Olso/Norway
At the meeting, the partners will prepare and initiate the writing of the Intermediate report and evaluate the monitoring report and the evaluation report of the first project months. Additional the development of the flipped activities tailored to the organisations’ course program will be discussed, finally evaluated, and the production process of the “Flipped Learning Framework” will planned, structures, and be initiated.
Goal of the meeting is the collection of materials for the intermediate report, the final definition of the developed tailored activities, the definition of the different approaches in context of the different structures of the partner organisations and target groups.
Jon Bergmann and Errol Smith from the FLGI will be included in some working phases by virtual conferencing.
Pre-final meeting
This meeting will take place in Málaga hosted by Asociación Juvance.
The planned topics will be the development of the guidelines, production of the eBook, publishing the eBook as an OER, preparation of the closing meeting.
Goal: Agreement to the developed methods, agreement to the content and chapters of the eBook. Conventions, layouts, styles and other related items to produce the eBook. Fixing of the tasks to produce the eBook.
Learning-teaching-training event in Siros (Greece)
The learning and training activity - lasting for 5 days - aims to teach future trainers of the participation organisations to use the developed course methods. The consortium will consider the complementary skills and knowledge as an enrichment. The foreseen activities will bring the trainers of the associations to a the level of course creators in Flipped Adult Education and enable them to work as multipliers in their organisations.
The planned activities are workshops, lectures, and hands-on activities dealing with
- The flipped training approach in Adult Education
- Creation of Flipped courses
- Use of technology and digital competences in Flipped Adult Education
- The self-determined and active learner in Adult Education
- The implementation of future courses based on Flipped Adult Education
- Hands-on creating a demo course outlay using Flipped Adult Education
- Hands-on practical implementation of learning activities for the Blended Learning courses
Final Meeting (KOS, Greece)
Venue: Greece
Est. date: 10/2020
The steering group member of each organisation and a second person (as a human resource backup) will take part at this meeting and discuss the project results. A correct project closing will be implemented, including the project evaluation, the production of the lessons learned report, discussion of the final evaluation of activities and products.