The “Flipped Adult Education” project FADE-in (Erasmus+ 2018-1-AT01-KA204-039224) takes a look at the horizon of educational developments and takes into account the innovation of the last ten years. This causes to shift the training methods and training activities. Simple onsite teaching courses or technology enhanced blended learning courses must be brought to state of the art.

Flipped adult education: self-determined technology enhanced learning
This idea, consistently thought through to the end, leads to active teaching, a contemporary approach with self-determined learners, the use of multimedia and a change in the roles of trainers and learners. The trainer will act more as a facilitator of learning, the learners will use technology to create self-directed learning. The consortium calls this a flipping of learning following the ideas on Jon Bergmann, published in his book Flipped Learning 2.0 (addressing Vocational Education and Training).
For Adult Education (EA) flipped concepts do not exist and are not yet published. Therefore, the consortium of four completely different AE providers is going to develop these concepts in a versatile way and to publish the findings in an eBook (as OER to contribute to open education).
The objectives of the FADE-in project are to develop a course concepts to adult learning using a flipped approach. This means active and self-directed learning, to “flip” the roles (trainer => facilitater, learner => self-determining adult with self-responsibility for their learning (heutagogical approach). The Global Flipped Learning Initiative (GFLI) with Jon Bergman (the developer of Flipped Learning) will be an associated partner in the project and impact with the state-of-the-art knowledge and experience of “flipping the learning”.
The consortium consists of four AE organisations with a complementary field of action well-distributed in Europe (Greece, Spain, Norway, Austria). This will ensure a wide scope of experience and impact to the project as well as a versatile result addressing all groups of adult learners. The consortium in detail consist of EB (Austria), a AE institution with an own research and technics department focusing on elderly adults. EDRASE (Greece) is a specialist in courses held on remote places addressing adults with geographical obstacles. Intermezzo Ungdomsorganisasjon (Norway), an AE organization with focus on younger adults, including people with migration background and refugees, will focus on language learning and inclusion. Asociación Juvance (Spain) is involved in the work with younger adults, many of them with fewer opportunities, and focuses on intercultural, critical learning to endorse the learners to act as active, creative, responsive and supportive citizens.
Jon Bergmann, the developer of the flipped classroom (or flipped learning) is head of the Global Flipped Learning Initiative (Colerado, USA), which is involved as an associated partner to this project. He will impact with knowledge and experience to the project; the GFLI will supervise the development of the eBook about Flipped Adult Learning.
The activities in the project cover an initial training activity, the development of the Flipped Adult Learning guide. This eBook will provide a versatile approach and guidelines to the “new” learning. The impact of the partners will care for a versatile guide covering various target groups of adults. Additional, the aspects of inclusion as well as education of people with fewer opportunities are part of the guide. In a final training members of the partners will get taught the findings from the guide.
The expected impact to partners is the shift in the methodology, the methods of teaching adults using active learning, flipped approach, the changes in trainer – learner relation and other developed items.
The developed eBook will enable other AE providers also to change their teaching. Courses for trainers of AE organisations will pass the project’s results to them. The project’s findings will bring an impact of renewal to AE organisations. This impact will be enabled by the professional and intensive dissemination of the project to the target groups.
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